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Sunday, February 20, 2011

Sunday, February 13, 2011 7:45 PM

The last session, I was punished for failing to address Master Joe properly, cumming extra, and for allowing the sign to fade.

A total of 200 swats with the tacks. This was a massive move up from the number of swats I’d been previously used to. The thought of 200 swats itself was scarier than the actual event. I realized that it wasn’t as bad as I’d thought in the end, the pain was surprisingly good…the blood was awful. What got to me the most was when the spots started to bleed, and I still had to keep swatting. I found that very hard to do.

We moved on to needles next. Blood and needles are both scary for me and I was really surprised they were used one after the other. I was tempted to use yellow already here, but I try to avoid safe words if possible so I asked Master Joe to consider using needles in our next session instead. It was impossibly hard to let go of the rubber band, knowing the needle would pierce the skin and not knowing how much of it would pierce the skin. I finally managed but things like blood and needles are mentally exhausting so to follow that with the chili lotion just made me tired and unresponsive. I was happy when finally told I could stop, and immediately went to wash off my pussy.

I’d been told the session would end in 10 minutes and it had been over that time already. So when I returned, I naturally thought we were done. Instead of aftercare, Master Joe informed me that he had not been able to cum yet, and so wanted me to play with my pussy until he did.

That was the point where I refused, and when I did, I was dismissed without further conversation. After having beaten myself on several bleeding spots, and used the needle, plus the lotion, this sort of dismissal was really very disappointing and made me question the effort I put in to these sessions.

Regarding using safe words:

If I use them so easily, what’s the point? The sessions would be in my control then.

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